Our work

Our research is split into eleven closely-connected work packages, spanning across the full stack of hardware and software, and investigating both near-term (NISQC) and long-term (UFTQC) technologies, as well as simulation techniques.
QCS Work Packages


Hardware work packages

  • WP1 - Ion trap processors
  • WP2 - Superconductors
  • WP3 - Diamond ‘node chips’
  • WP4 - Photonics
  • WP5 - Silicon quantum processors
  • WP6 - Cold atoms

Software work packages

  • WP7 - Verification, validation & benchmarking
  • WP8 - Architectures, control & emulation
  • WP9 - Algorithms
  • WP10 - Applications
  • WP11 - Fundamentals